Legal and privacy information
BizHub Maroondah website is published by Maroondah City Council's Business & Development Unit.
Event Ticket Sales Terms & Conditions
Tickets sold by Maroondah BizHub subject to the following conditions.
In purchasing a ticket, the patron agrees to abide by these conditions.
Payment is required at the time of making the booking online via credit card.
Refunds & Transfers
Refunds are processed at the discretion of Maroondah BizHub, upon request.
Where events include a catering component, refunds will not be issued within 7 days prior to the event.
Refunds, where applicable, will be processed to the original payment method.
Ticket registration fees can be transferred to another participant by contacting the BizHub Team prior to the event.
If a registered attendee fails to attend an event for which they have registered, the ticket registration fee will not be refunded.
Ticket registration fees can be transferred to another participant by contacting the BizHub Team prior to the event.
Event cancellation, postponement or reschedules
Maroondah BizHub reserves the right to cancel, postpone or reschedule events due to low enrolments of unforeseen circumstances.
Upon cancellation a full refund will be processed to the purchaser.
Upon postponement or rescheduling the Biz Hub Team will contact purchasers to discuss options / advise of new event date.
Changes to events
In the event of changes to events such as a change of speaker or venue the BizHub Team will endeavor to communicate this to registrants in a timely manner and will be contactable to discuss any queries.
Photography & Filming
Photography and filming may take place during BizHub events and may be used for promotional purposes.
Please advise a member of the BizHub team if you do not consent to your image being used.
Information disclaimer
The material on our website is intended as general information for Maroondah (and surrounding) businesses and visitors to the website.
The content of our site is updated regularly, but users are advised to check the currency and validity of information with specific service areas or relevant government authorities as our site content is not intended to be fully comprehensive in all instances. Maroondah City Council does not accept any liability for the information or advice (or the use of such) that is provided on this website.
Statistical information presented on this site is dependent on the most recent statistics obtained from the relevant organisations. As certain surveys and data collections are conducted at varying periods of time, Maroondah City Council does not warrant that there will be consistency with information presented. Maroondah City Council accepts no liability from any individual or organisation in the use of the statistical information or any other information contained herein.
Our site contains links to other sites which may be of assistance. Although great care is taken to ensure only valid sites have links from our site, Maroondah City Council accepts no responsibility for the information contained on these external sites. Maroondah City Council has no control over these external linked sites or the material or information contained therein.
When selecting a link to another website, the user is leaving Maroondah City Council's site and entering a new site. The privacy, copyright and the disclaimer of that new site should be viewed and understood as it will vary from that of Maroondah City Council.
Other than is permitted by copyright legislation, no part of this site may be copied, reproduced, stored or transmitted without written permission.
For permission or to clarify any issue of copyright regarding this site contact the Business & Development Unit at Maroondah City Council on 9298 4679 or email
Maroondah City Council collects information from our users at several different points on our website. The information that you provide will remain for the use of Council’s Business & Development Unit and will not otherwise be disclosed except as required by law, for instance to State Government departments and agencies, or if consent is provided to do so.
The intended use of the information maintained in the Maroondah Business Directory is clearly marked. Some information is explicitly used to promote businesses through the web site and electronic versions of the Maroondah Business Directory. Other information (clearly marked "Confidential Information") is not published in any form to the public. This information is used solely by Maroondah City Council for planning and demographic purposes only.
When browsing this site certain information regarding your visit is logged but this information is not personally identifiable and no attempt will be made to link it to individuals. Information gathered, such as what pages are accessed or downloaded, may be used for statistical purposes and to evaluate the effectiveness of the site. If you send Maroondah an email requesting further information then your email address will be used to satisfy this request.
Council's Privacy Officer may be contacted on 9298 4211 or by email at
Notification of Changes
If we change our privacy statement we will post a notification of those changes on our website. If at any point we wish to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify users by email. Users will have a choice as to whether or not we use their information in this different manner.
Find out more about the use and access of personal information and to view Council's Privacy Policy.